St. Patrick
Mission of St. Rose of Lima
Saturday Mass - 5:00pm
Confession - 2nd Saturdays 4:30pm
Holy Day Vigil - 6:00pm
To register as a parishioner at St. Patrick, please contact the parish office at 816-324-5700, extension 302. You may also download the St. Patrick REGISTRATION FORM.
303 Grand Ave. Forest City, MO 64451


The first church was built in 1869 under the patronage of St. Bridget at a cost of $1,500. Those who lived along the railroad would ride a handcar to mass, stopping along the way to pick up more passengers. About 1907 a decision was made to build a new church and land was acquired on October fourth. At this time, the name was changed to St. Patrick, perhaps in honor of the families who donated toward its construction. Having three hotels in Forest City at the time of the dedication, many visitors arrived to celebrate; whoever, a pouring rain turned the streets into a sea of mud. Local families had difficulty getting to the dedication Mass. Soon after the dedication, the parish received a resident priest. In the 1930s the parish resumed its mission status and has been served from Savannah since that time. In 1940 there were 34 Catholics in the parish with eight children. Vatican II brought renovations to the church interior which had remained in its original design. The oak framed stations were replaced. People of the parish were concerned about the 'tearing down and disposal' of the old items, feeling they were being stripped of their history. People began hiding things of value to prevent them from being lost to them.
-Text from Further by Faith by Fr. Michael Coleman, JCL